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무섭지만 사랑스러운 캐릭터들[팀버튼의 아이들].Vol1

그룬 2013. 2. 6. 10:47

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영화 가위손, 유령신부, 다크쉐도우 등 무섭고 소름끼치는 소재를

참신하고 개성있게 자신만의 스타일로 풀어 만드는 팀버튼 감독의

스토리와 디자인이 만들어낸 아이들을 소개해봅니다.


불쌍한 사연과 함께...



The Pin Cushion Queen

바늘꽂이 여왕


Life isn't easy for the Pin Cushion Queen.

When She sits alone on her throne

Pins push throught her spleen.



Brie Boy

둥근치즈 소년


Brie Boy had a dream he had only had twice, that his full, round head was only a slice.

The other children never let Brie Boy play......but at least he went well with a nice Chardonnay.



Staring Girl

노려보는 아이


I once knew a girl

who would just stand there and stare.

At anyone or anything,


she seemed not to care


She'd stare at the ground,


She'd stare at the sky.


She'd stare at you hours,

and you'd never know why.


But after winning the local staring contest,


she finally gave her eyes a well-deserved rest.




Mummy Boy



He wasn't soft and pink

witha fat little tummy;

he was hard and hollow,

a little boy mummy.

"Tell us, please, Doctor,

the reason or cause,

why our goundle of joy

is just a boundle of gauze."


"My diagnosis," he said

"for better or worse,

is that your son is the result

of an old pharoah's curse."


The night the talked

of their son's odd condition-

they called him "a reject

from an archaeological expidition."


The thought of some complex

scientific explanation,

but assumed it was simple

supematural reincarnation.



Roy, The Toxic Boy

독성 소년, 로이


To those who knew him

-his friends-

we called him Roy.

To others he was known

as that horrible Toxic Boy.


He loved ammonia and asbestors,

and lots of cigarette smoke.

What he breathed in for air

would make other people choke!



Jimmy, The Hideous Penguin Boy

무시무시한 펭귄 소년, 지미


"My name is Jimmy,

but my friends just call me

"the hideous penguin boy."



Roboy Boy

로봇 소년


The only time he seemed alive at all

was with a long extension cord

plugged into the wall.



Stain Boy

검댕 소년


Of all the super heroes,

the strangest one by far,

doesn't have a special power,

or drive a fancy car.


next to Superman and batman, I guess he must seem tame.

But to me he is quite special,

and Starin Boy is his name.


He can't fly around tall buildings,

or outrun a speeding train,

the only talent he seems to have

is to leave a nasty stain.


Sometimes I know it bothers him,

that he can't run or swim or fly,

and because of this one ability,

his dry cleaning bill is sky-high.



The Girl with Many Eyes

많은 눈을 가진 소녀


One day in the park

I had quite a surprise.

I met a girl

who had many eyes.


She was really quite pretty

(and also quite shocking!)

and I noticed she had a mouth,

so we ended up talking.


We talked about flowers,

and her poetry classes,

and the problems she'd have

if she ever wore glasses.


It's great to now a girl

who has so many eyes,

but you really get wet

when she breaks down and cries.



The Boy with Nails In His Eyes

눈에 못이 박힌 소년


The Boy with nails in his Eyes

put up his aluminium tree.

It looked pretty strange

because he couldn't really see.



Oyster boy

굴 소년


For Halloween,

Oyster Boy decided to go as a human.


Junk Girl

쓰레기 소녀


There once was a girl

who was made up of junk

She looked really dirty,

and she smelled like a skunk.


She was always unhappy,

or in one of her slumps-perhaps 'cause she spent

so much time down in the dumps.


The only bright moment

was from a guy named Stan.

He was from the neighborhood

garbage man.



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